Professional performance diagnostics for amateur football

The GSG Duisburg completed comprehensive performance tests as part of a new cooperation with Athletikum Rhein-Ruhr. The data will help the coaching team to train more specifically with the players.

For professional teams, comprehensive performance diagnostics before the season is part of every preparation. GSG Duisburg has decided to establish this in the amateur sector as well.

Before the start of the district league season, the GSG first team completed a series of tests in cooperation with the Athletikum Rhein-Ruhr, part of the BG Klinikum Duisburg, to examine the current performance level of the players. Dr. Christian Raeder and his team came to the GSG sports field to test the team in various sprinting, change of direction and endurance situations.

Such performance diagnostics are a great opportunity for ambitious amateur clubs.

Kai-Uwe Otto

GSG team manager Kai-Uwe Otto was very pleased with the new cooperation: “BGU is right next door to us. That’s when we came up with the idea of having performance diagnostics carried out that are appropriate for amateur football. With the data, the coaches can then work much more specifically on the strengths and weaknesses of the players.”

Otto can also recommend this kind of testing to other teams: “Performance diagnostics like this are a great opportunity for ambitious amateur clubs. For a manageable sum, not only can the players’ performance be examined, but training can also be made more efficient.”

The Duisburg team also plans to work closely with the Athletikum during the season. Injured players in particular will have the opportunity to take part in rehabilitative athletics training under the guidance of Dr. Raeder’s team. Furthermore, return-to-sport diagnostics will be used to determine the extent to which players are ready to return to training or play. “The Athletikum Rhein-Ruhr is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and offers us the opportunity to provide great support to our coaching team,” Otto is pleased about the cooperation.

The possibility of using these services also exists for other sports clubs from the region. If they are interested, contact can be established via the Athletikum’s homepage.