DSC Wanne-Eickel with last-minute save – coach Basile moved to tears

DSC Wanne-Eickel won 5-0 against RSV Meinerzhagen on the last day of the Westfalenliga and managed to stay in the league. The thanks went to coach Davide Basile.

What a finish in the Westfalenliga 2: On the last matchday of the season, DSC Wanne-Eickel were able to leave the relegation places after all and secure their place in the league. A 5:0 (2:0) victory over RSV Meinerzhagen and the 2:4 defeat of YEG Hassel in the parallel match against SC Neheim caused great jubilation.

DSC coach Davide Basile put the results in perspective: “We didn’t have it in our own hands anymore. We were dependent on mistakes from our direct competitors. Accordingly, I could not rejoice at our goals. When the news came that YEG Hassel had lost, everything came out of me. Thanks to SC Neheim. To finish the season in such a sporting manner when there is nothing left to play for is worthy of all honour.”

Following the relieved outburst of joy at the last-minute save, the team knew who to thank and started chanting for their coach. In an interview with RevierSport, the coach tried to describe his feelings and revealed with tears in his eyes: “This is indescribably emotional. In the end, all the hard work has borne fruit. I’ve always had a good relationship with the team and as a player I was always very close to each individual. I can only thank all the guys for working their butts off for me too. “

During the 90 minutes, the hosts brought all the important virtues to the pitch that are required in the relegation battle. Luca Hauswerth scored the chest-quenching goal to make it 1:0 (36th), defensive man Christoph van der Heusen increased it to 2:0 (45th) at the break.

In the second half, Xhino Kadiu (69th, 76th) and David Sdzuy (80th) increased the score to 5:0. Coach Basile was very proud: “That was absolutely amazing. I was aware that we have the quality. Everyone made the necessary metres and went into the duels. That’s what mattered. That was pure heart and passion.”

In the end, everyone agreed: this season should be quickly checked off and forgotten. The minimum goal has been achieved, and there will be a change in the summer. Despite numerous injuries and problems last week, everyone pulled together. “Every boy who stood on the pitch here deserves a thank you. To put in a performance like that after the last few weeks shows absolute strength of character,” Basile told us.

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