After two months in office – interim coach leaves FC Kray

Landesliga club FC Kray must look for a new member of the coaching team. Adrian Schneider will not remain at Buderusstraße.

On April 10, FC Kray introduced Bartosz Maslon as the new head coach for the 2024/25 season.

“I had excellent talks with the sporting management around Dennis Blasczyk and Arian Kadrijaj. I immediately felt the trust in my person and that’s always good. FC Kray is a big name in amateur soccer in Essen and is one of the top clubs. I see great potential here and am looking forward to the new challenge,” Maslon told Forecasting at the time.

The 38-year-old will succeed Adrian Schneider, who coached the team on an interim basis from April to June following the dismissal of Sebastian Amendt. Schneider actually moved to Buderusstraße as a playing assistant coach in the summer of 2023, but then took over as interim coach.

Kray’s sporting management would have liked to keep the 32-year-old in the coaching team, but the distance between his home in Hagen and Essen is simply too great for the father of two in the long term. That’s why the Polish-born coach has decided to pull up stakes in Essen-Kray

I wish the club and its supporters all the best for the future and every success for the new season, because everyone involved who works so hard at the club absolutely deserves success.

Adrian Schneider

“I would like to thank the club for the trust they have placed in me and the good cooperation,” emphasized Schneider. “I wish the club and its supporters all the best for the future and every success for the new season, because everyone involved who works so hard at the club absolutely deserves success.”

In the league, FC Kray was unable to meet expectations following its relegation from the Oberliga. The club finished the season in twelfth place. Now Maslon is set to lead the team back up the table

Points Table
Points Table