After abandonment – club catches cup thrower from family block

The match between Alemannia Aachen and Borussia Mönchengladbach U23 was stopped prematurely after a mug was thrown. Alemannia have already caught the perpetrator.

The match between Alemannia Aachen and Borussia Mönchengladbach II came to an early end on Sunday. After a mug was thrown from the Aachen crowd, hitting assistant referee Felix Weller in the head, the game was abandoned in the 88th minute with the score at 0:1 from Aachen’s point of view.

The club has now commented on the incident via its social channels. According to the statement, the culprit has already been found. “The perpetrator from the family block was quickly apprehended thanks to the swift intervention of other spectators, fan workers and the security staff. Alemannia now reserves the right to impose a stadium ban and to consider further measures such as claims for damages,” it said.

Aachen expects heavy fine

For Aachen, the incident has not only resulted in a defeat at the green table, but in all likelihood also in a heavy fine. “In addition to the considerable financial damage, the club’s reputation in and outside Aachen will also be massively damaged,” the club added.

They could not understand how such an act could occur. “It is sad and leaves the club stunned how individuals can so disrupt a path that we want to walk together. “

The club clearly distances itself from the incidents

Further, Alemannia Aachen explains: “We manage to have thousands of fans make the pilgrimage to the Tivoli every weekend again, big companies are interested in sponsoring Alemannia and a spirit of optimism can be felt in the city and the region. Individual chaotic people manage to trample on this common path, which has the promotion to professional football as its goal, and torpedo every tender seedling that emerges.”

He said there was understanding for anger and emotion in the stadium. “But throwing objects and any other violent actions are not part of it. That is not fair play.” The club concluded: “We regret that this match against Borussia Mönchengladbach II has come to such an end and emphasise that Alemannia clearly distances itself from this action and stands for peaceful and respectful coexistence. “