All developments and voices from the general meeting to read up on

The Extraordinary General Meeting was held at MSV Duisburg on Tuesday evening from 6 pm. Read about the evening in the ticker.

10.05 pm – 5th election of delegates for representation in the MSV Duisburg 02 Dachverein e.V.: A block vote is held. Two abstentions. The election is quickly completed.

22:03: Stiefelhagen immediately puts on an MSV jersey: “I gladly accept the election. Thank you for your trust!”

10.02 p.m.: The elected board team now takes the stage!

21.57 hrs: Further thanks to the old board and lots of applause from the supervisory board. Ingo Wald says goodbye: “Congratulations to Christian and his team. I wish you every success in steering MSV in the right direction. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me and I will support you. Thank you to everyone who has supported me in difficult times. We have fought some battles. We did it with heart and soul, even if we didn’t do everything right. We wanted to achieve the best for MSV. That didn’t always work out.” Udo Steinke adds: “His heart beats for MSV. An era is coming to an end. He gave his best for MSV. You deserve a big round of applause. The CEO is in the spotlight and has also been attacked. As a human being, you have to put up with that.”

21:53: The count is over, Linne asks to return to the interior. The result is clear. Almost everyone was still present (1,263 eligible voters): 33 did not cast a vote, three were invalid + 14 abstentions = 1,213 complete ballots. Team Paradis: 513 votes (42.9 percent), Team Stiefelhagen wins: 700 votes (57.1 percent).

21:47: Coach Dietmar Hirsch is also here. We have just spotted him in the stands.

9.45 p.m.: It’s now almost completely dark and the results are expected in 15 minutes.

9.42 p.m.: According to RS information, there is probably a clear result… But there is no official announcement yet.

9.25 p.m.: Many members have thrown in their ballot papers and are already on their way back. Understandable in view of the working population.

20.56: It’s time for the second round of voting! See you later. It’s quite possible that a decision will be made right away. We can expect it at 10 pm!

8.55 pm: Loud MSV shouts from the stands, Wald and his old team are presented with bouquets of flowers! An emotional moment here!

20:50: The four candidates are back on stage. The meeting is over. The Stiefelhagen and Paradis teams go forward to the second round of voting. The Wald and Maaßen teams, on the other hand, are no longer running. There is applause. “This is a very remarkable and responsible decision in the interests of the club,” says Linne and receives a lot of applause, even a standing ovation. “The applause is absolutely justified.”

Maaßen: “Thank you very much for your trust. At the end of the day, it’s about the club and not about individuals. I would like to thank my team very much. I wish you the right decision in the next ballot.” Wald: “The same goes for me. A big thank you to my team after intensive weeks. They are great young people. I would be delighted if they continued to contribute to MSV. That’s added value for the club. I would like to thank everyone who has supported me over the past ten years. It was a great honor for me to work for MSV. I wish the new team a good hand in moving MSV forward.” Another standing ovation!

20:42: It’s clear that Team Maaßen and Team Wald have “lost” the first round. Team Stiefelhagen has the best starting position! Let’s see if there will be a withdrawal or if all teams remain in the race.

20:37: The first round of voting is complete. 1,291 eligible members have voted: 17 did not cast a vote, there were no invalid votes. There were only eight abstentions. There were 1,266 votes. Team Maaßen: 296 votes (23.38 percent), Team Paradis: 320 votes (25.28 percent), Team Stiefelhagen: 453 votes (35.78 percent), Team Wald: 197 votes (15.56 percent). As explained, this means that we need at least a second round of voting. No team achieved the required absolute majority. “So that we are clear about how and with which teams this will be carried out, I will ask the team leaders, the four team leaders, to join us at the election committee. I’ll interrupt for another ten minutes. Then we’ll continue.” There is applause.

20:36: The count is complete. It will continue here in a minute until everyone is back inside.

20.35: Chief election officer Martin Linne is already holding the microphone.

20.34: The forecast was about an hour, so it should continue at any moment now.

8.02 p.m.: A reminder. 50 percent + one vote are needed for an immediate decision. It is unlikely that this will be the case immediately. Judging by the applause, the favored Team Stiefelhagen was not as convincing as expected after the successful election campaign. The opposite is true of Team Wald. The men around the incumbent president were surprisingly well received with their speeches. At least the weather was right and the predicted rain failed to materialize on this balmy summer evening.

20:00: We have just been informed that the ballot boxes will be closed in two minutes. Then the first count can begin.

7.32 p.m.: We’ll report back as soon as it continues. It’s difficult to estimate how long it will take. See you soon!

7.28 p.m.: Board election to be held: Enough talk. The first round of voting begins.

19:22: Ingo Wald is the last to speak: “I can promise you, it will be exceptionally short. We are responsible for personnel decisions in the sporting area that have turned out to be mistakes. In retrospect, I regret that very much. Michael Preetz has strengthened the operational base. We have succeeded in doing that. But please don’t judge me solely on this commitment and the sporting decline.

To reduce it to that after ten years would be too short-sighted. For many, I may be the wrong person to lead MSV into the future. But I believe I am the right person to initiate the future. After handing over my role, which is planned for 2025, I will support my colleagues with all my energy and without restrictions. Provided you allow it.” The motto: “MS United!” Finally, Wald thanks his previous board. We are through, all teams have kept to the time limit and presented in one hour.

7.17 p.m.: Olaf Zimmer steps up to the podium. “I was in the lions’ den, that’s nothing compared to the stage here. I had to put up with insults. But I want to develop new ideas and see potential for MSV to become a big club again. The club has lost its identity. The great value is the fans. MSV should play in the digital Champions League. More efficiency, money and time – the basis for more calm and stability and the prerequisite for sustainable and economic success. My father should smile again when he talks about his MSV. MSV could mean ‘my proud club’. Ingo has saved the club’s backside so many times.” There is applause.

19:15: “The team spirit is amazing. It wouldn’t work like this without you. I’d like to thank all the fan clubs, members and supporters. 5,000 fans in Gütersloh are crazy. That’s what makes our MSV what it is, to work for it and sacrifice your free time. Support the team even in difficult times. They will come. They will need rest. But the new board needs it too. The club needs calm and structure. We stand for an orderly new beginning because we have the expertise of an experienced Ingo Wald.”

19.12: “Ingo has recognized the signs of the times that things can no longer go on like this. That’s why we’re here. That doesn’t just mean coming up with new ideas, but also actively implementing them. That has been neglected. We want to break new ground and implement innovative ideas. We are not just proud of our tradition.” Applause for Albrecht. Now comes Thorsten Immel, who wants to be the link between the board and the NLZ. “In terms of content, all teams are not far apart.”

19:09: Ingo Wald (Managing Director), Thorsten Immel (Managing Director), Thorben Albrecht (Head of Marketing) and Olaf Zimmer (Managing Partner) take the stage. It’s Team D’s turn. Wald hands the microphone directly to Albrecht. “It was not an easy time. Ingo Wald is the only constant in our team. Huge respect for the last few months.” There is applause. “The guy is 32 and a marketing cunt, all he can do is talk. But we stand for courage and change,” says the youngest candidate about himself. “We were the first team on the live podcast and we fucked up. But we had the courage.”

19.03:: Kaiser already knows the club very well through his work at Zebra TV. “Promises of promotion made people forget that MSV is an affair of the heart. “Schorsch” Mewes is an icon in amateur and youth soccer. Uwe Schubert is grateful for any help. It can only work together.” Stiefelhagen continued: “We are writing history and are all part of it. Many people want to throw themselves into this voluntary work with all their heart. The association is divided in many places. We want to be bridge builders.” Mewes and Eicker do not speak.

18:59:: Even though the team should be ahead with many fans in the run-up, there has been even less applause than last time. The members weren’t really taken along during the speech. That’s probably why… Baaten talks about the start of training, the many season tickets sold and the upcoming invasion of Gütersloh. “The club is alive. It was a fair and respectful campaign among all the competitors.” The only team with five members is coming to an end.

18:55:: Christian Stiefelhagen (marketing consultant), Dennis Baaten (tax consultant), Jörg Eicker (management consultant), Jörg Kaiser (filmmaker) and Georg Mewes (pensioner) make up Team 1902. “We can enter into a new dialog with all interlocutors without bias, have no personal or financial advantage. I have been following MSV for 40 years. My heart needs a white-blue infusion, that’s why I’m applying to be chairman of the board.” Baaten is to become the deputy and will be responsible for all economic matters. Kaiser is known for his films. Eicker is in contact with all soccer associations. “Schorsch” Mewes is to become an ambassador for the NLZ – ”for all concerns and needs relating to the youth.”

18:52: Paradis comes back again. “People are elected who you will trust for the next four years. The most important asset is trust. You’ve seen us for a few minutes on the internet and now 15 minutes. We identify 100 percent with this club. We love MSV. That is our promise. We want to lead the club into better times. MSV should be brought together at all levels and made sustainably better. Nobody should be excluded. A good sense of community is extremely important. We are the team from Duisburg, for Duisburg.”

18:48: Christian Poll describes himself as a “child of the curve”. Three pillars are important: “The stable talks have got off to a good start. We want to maintain that, not just in person. There will be digital formats for everyone who comes from far away. We have to use the potential. Our promise is to take the members with us. You can bring all your ideas to us. There will be transparent feedback. We have spoken to many supporting members. Some of them feel forgotten and put on the back burner. You will receive the appreciation you deserve. The level of commitment is rewarded.”

18.45: Dürrbaum: “I’m a zebra through and through. The club is a matter close to my heart.” His focus is on merchandising and women’s soccer. “The fan store has come to a standstill in recent years. We’ve taken big steps backwards in women’s soccer. The ladies need to be integrated into the club and get back into the top leagues. We want to take MSV back to where it belongs. That can’t be the regional league or the national league. Changes: now!”

18:41: Maas is responsible for finances and can already look back on experience as managing director at several professional clubs. He was already active at the club when the license was revoked. “The fans continued to support MSV back then. I’ve never experienced anything like it. That’s only possible in Duisburg.” The licensing process does not have to be completed on the last day. “It can’t be like that here.”

18:40: It’s Team B’s turn. Sebastian Paradis (management consultant), Bernd Maas (management consultant), Christian Poll (senior consultant) and Gerhard Dürrbaum (forwarding agent). Paradis: “I love this association. At the last AGM, I didn’t agree with the presentation of the overall situation: we were eighth in the second half of the season and already on the brink of relegation. I was convinced I had to change something and put my team together.”

18:35: Now Maaßen is talking. “We stand for open migration of the entire MSV family. We need to be even more present in the city. We let the managers do their job and want to achieve our goals together. We have convinced most of the sponsors. One million is not yet the end of the line!” Maaßen has been an MSV fan for over 40 years. The 64-year-old has loved the club longer than his wife. “The fans are Champions League-ready. A big thank you for that!” The team must be among the top 30 in Germany. “There will be stumbling blocks. We will not give up. I promise that. Let’s tackle it together. Today is the turning point.” The closing words.

18:33: “I don’t bring as much mass and passion as the previous speaker. I was labeled as a cold-blooded investor. But I’m not, I’m Jörg,” says the next member Jörg Dahms. There is laughter from the stands. “We want to generate partners beyond the city limits and are bringing millions of euros with us. We are not touching the 50+1 rule. MSV unites and plays for everyone.”

18:32: “20,000 members is an achievable goal that would put the e.V. on a healthy footing,” says Otto, who now passes on the microphone.

6.30 p.m.: Kai-Uwe Otto introduces himself and is also greeted with applause. “Our city stands for diversity and tolerance. 163 nations live in Duisburg. They are the reflection of our city and must also be the reflection of our MSV. MSV is not just professional soccer. It’s about commitment and volunteering. That’s what sets the club apart.”

18.28: Tappe also sees room for improvement in social media. “The clubhouse should be reactivated. MSV Duisburg is united!”

18:22: Team Thomas Maaßen (Managing Director/Speditionskaufmann) begins with the candidate and his team of Andreas Tappe (Managing Partner), Kai-Uwe Otto (Handelsfahwirt) and Jörg Dahms (self-employed entrepreneur). “We are overwhelmed by how many members came to decide on the association,” says Tappe, who is now talking about the goals. “We want to inspire 20,000 members, we need economic stability and healthy growth. MSV and the board must become more visible in the city.” He calls for more modern club structures, committees and adjustments to the statutes. Continuity at the NLZ should be maintained.

18.14 – 4th election of the board: Linne explains the next steps. If there is no absolute majority after three ballots, the decision can be postponed to a new date, as already written at the beginning. The meeting must end by midnight at the latest. “I hope we don’t need that long,” says election manager Linne. Each team has 15 minutes to introduce themselves. There will be no debate today due to equal treatment.

6.12 p.m. – 3rd election of a mandate verification and vote counting commission: The people who have declared their willingness to stand have been elected: unanimously!

6.09 p.m. – 1. opening and welcome by the Chairman of the Board of Directors – 2. determination of the quorum and approval of the agenda: The first two items on the agenda are through. The presentation of the four candidate teams is not shortened.

6.06 p.m.: Ingo Wald welcomes the members to a “special evening steeped in history. Four teams are competing for the first time. I can’t remember a time when 1276 members with voting rights were present.” There is immediate applause.

17:56: The expected announcement is made: “We’ll be starting later.” Bundestag President Bärbel Bas, an ardent MSV supporter, is also there to cast her vote. Martin Linne (head of the sports department of the city of Duisburg) is today’s election officer.

17:51: The incumbent chairman Ingo Wald and his old team (Robert Komossa, Udo Steinke and Uwe Struck) are about to take their seats on the stage. The official start is due in nine minutes.

17:32: The meeting was originally scheduled to take place in the business area of the arena, but was quickly moved to the main stand in the afternoon.

17:27: The main stand is filling up, but there are still long queues outside the stadium gates. Let’s see if it can start on time at 6pm this time.

16:56: Even though the four teams will introduce themselves in more detail later, you can read about the candidates’ goals here:

16:47: The starting position ahead of the board election is difficult, as the MSV statutes do not regulate a run-off vote and there are no clear guidelines in the event of a deadlock. One team must have 50 percent + one vote. The statutes do not regulate a procedure if an absolute majority is not achieved. If there is no winner after three rounds of voting, the meeting is interrupted and a discussion is sought with the candidates. We are preparing ourselves for a long evening. According to the association, 8,479 members were registered last week, which is 324 more than a year ago. We are curious to see how many will find their way to the Schauinsland-Reisen-Arena today.

16:43: Notes: All members who have reached the age of 18, have been members of the club for at least six months and are not in arrears with their membership fees are entitled to vote. The effective date of membership in accordance with § 5 Para. 3 of the association’s articles of association is decisive. A general meeting convened in accordance with the articles of association has a quorum regardless of the number of members present.

Today’s agenda: 1. opening and welcome by the Chairman of the Executive Board – 2. determination of the quorum and approval of the agenda – 3. election of a credentials and scrutiny committee – 4. election of the Executive Board a) presentation of the team(s), b) conduct of the Executive Board election – 5. election of delegates for representation in the MSV Duisburg 02 Dachverein e.V. – 6. miscellaneous – 7. closing remarks by the Chairman of the Executive Board.

Hello and welcome! In this article, we report on the Extraordinary General Meeting of MSV Duisburg on Tuesday evening. It’s going to be exciting, because elections to the Executive Board are on the agenda. Will President Ingo Wald be able to maintain his position with his team? Or will there be a change in the club’s management? Three other candidate teams have put themselves forward. Now it’s up to the members to decide. The meeting starts at 6 p.m.