Arminia Bielefeld – the number one has decided on the future

Is he going or staying at DSC Arminia Bielefeld after all? Jonas Kersken has now decided on his future.

Arminia Bielefeld have signed goalkeeper Jonas Kersken on a long-term deal. After a one-year loan in the current 2023/24 season, DSC and Bundesliga side Borussia Mönchengladbach have agreed on a transfer for the 23-year-old. Both clubs have agreed not to disclose the terms of the deal.

Kersken has played the full 90 minutes in all 37 games in the 3rd division so far this season. Of these, he has scored ten times.

“We have succeeded in signing a highly talented young goalkeeper who has developed very positively in his first season here as number 1. Jonas Kersken has held his own with us and has not only matured athletically, but also as a person. In daily training and in matches, he shows maximum commitment and his special identification with Arminia Bielefeld,” explains Sporting Director Michael Mutzel.

He continued: “We absolutely wanted to continue working with him as a key player and cornerstone of our young team. Our goalkeeping coach Steffen Süßner has played a major role in his up-and-coming development. I would like to thank those responsible at Borussia Mönchengladbach for the good discussions and the agreement on the signing.”

“It became clear to me early on that I wanted to stay at Arminia Bielefeld and continue on our path together. I settled in here very quickly. I feel absolutely at home in our team and with this coaching team, especially in daily training with Steffen Süßner and the staff around the team. I can see how I’m constantly developing and how the people in charge at Arminia trust me to take further steps. My exchanges with Borussia Mönchengladbach have always been open and respectful. I’m grateful that we found a solution and that Arminia Bielefeld were able to sign me permanently. I would like to thank Borussia’s goalkeeping coordinator Uwe Kamps for his close support,” said Kersken on his decision to stay at the Alm.