Association joins the City of Essen’s climate pact

The city of Essen wants to be climate-neutral between 2030 and 2040. Rot-Weiss Essen would like to support this.

Rot-Weiss Essen is a new partner in the City of Essen’s climate pact. Lord Mayor Thomas Kufen and RWE CEO Marcus Uhlig sealed their entry with a joint climate protection agreement at Essen City Hall.

The Essen Climate Pact is a network of companies and institutions that are committed to making their own contribution to making Essen climate-neutral. The city aims to achieve this between 2030 and 2040.

“We are delighted to have gained another important partner for our joint network,” said Lord Mayor Thomas Kufen following the signing ceremony, adding: “With its role model function, especially among fans, professional soccer can make a big difference in climate protection.”

Marcus Uhlig added: “Football has a great tradition and a high social status in Germany and especially here in the Ruhr region. It must therefore also face up to its responsibility when it comes to climate protection.” The RWE boss continued: “Climate change has now also reached club sport. Clubs, athletes and spectators must prepare for heat, heavy rain and other climate impacts.”

RWE pledges to reduce energy consumption

RWE announced that by signing the climate protection agreement, the club is committing to reducing its energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and becoming climate-neutral.

The measures and activities include, for example, calculating an initial CO2 balance, planning and implementing specific voluntary steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and participating in monitoring and the regular exchange of experience within the now steadily growing network with other climate partners.

The focus is also on raising public awareness of this important issue. The signing of the climate pact is therefore a building block of Rot-Weiss’ sustainability strategy. This will be successively developed further in close coordination between the club and GVE.

By signing the agreement, the companies and institutions will also gain access to the “Service Center for Climate-Neutral Companies”, which is based at the Green Capital Agency and bundles a wide range of information, advice, funding and networking services.