At BVB II match – Rot-Weiss collects for earthquake victims

The third division club Rot-Weiss Essen is also planning an auction, the proceeds of which will go to the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria.

According to current knowledge, the earthquake disaster in the Turkish-Syrian border region claimed more than 40,000 lives. Countless injured people have to be treated in hospitals, millions of people have lost their homes or relatives. Rot-Weiss Essen and the club’s own social initiative “Essener Chancen” (Essen Opportunities) are now contributing to the rapid and uncomplicated provision of aid to the people in the crisis areas with an “RWE hilft” (RWE helps) campaign and are hoping for support from the fan community.

To this end, funds are being collected as of now and also for the home match against Borussia Dortmund U23 (Sun., 19 February, 2.00 p.m.). “In a terrible way, the earthquake in Turkey and Syria reminds us that there are far more important issues in life than football. We would like to help those affected, who are currently enduring unimaginable suffering and have to fear or mourn for their relatives and possessions, as much as we can,” says RWE and “Essener Chancen” board chairman Marcus Uhlig.

This coming Sunday, before the Dortmund home game, players who are not in the squad will go out among the fans and collect financial donations in and around the stadium on Hafenstraße. The Red and Whites will be supported by part of the traditional team around social initiative friend Igor Denysiuk: the RWE legends will walk through the hospitality areas “Zeche Hafenstraße” and “Assindia” as well as the box area.

Uhlig: “We will bundle the donations and then top them up. We are happy about every fan who participates in this campaign and thank you now for your support!”

To ensure that the money reaches those affected quickly, easily and unbureaucratically, RWE will hand over the sum raised to “Aktion Deutschland Hilft” after the match day. The alliance of renowned German aid organisations has been certified several times, stands for transparency and is networked in the disaster area.

Auction for earthquake victims

An auction of the limited first edition of the certified Hafenstrasse watch by Uhr Kraft has also been running for days. All net proceeds above the already outbid starting bid of 799 euros will also be donated to the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria. Fans can find the auction here.

Donation also possible via Paypal or bank transfer

If you want to help in advance in an uncomplicated and quick way, you can do so via Paypal (donation button can be found at or classically by bank transfer to the “Essener Chancen” account:

Essener Chancen e.V. IBAN DE80 3605 0105 0000 2265 97 Keyword: RWE helps earthquake victims

Fans can donate to this cause until 11 p.m. on Sunday. The money will then be passed on to “Aktion Deutschland Hilft”.

RWE helps: immediate aid where it is urgently needed

The earthquake relief is one of the “RWE hilft” campaigns that Rot-Weiss Essen and the club’s own social initiative “Essener Chancen” have been launching since 2021. The organisations are committed to providing acute aid as quickly and directly as possible where it is urgently needed.

RWE and “Essener Chancen” have already carried out similar fundraising campaigns for victims of the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley and Ukrainian war victims with the enormous help of the large RWE fan community.