Debut in the cup! Ziegner has confidence in U19 captain Yavuz

Batuhan Yavuz made his first professional appearance in Duisburg’s first-round victory in the Niederrheinpokal against FSV Vohwinkel (7:0) and immediately earned a lot of praise from his coach.

No goals conceded and no injuries. With these words, President Ingo Wald summed up MSV Duisburg’s fulfilled duty in the first round of the Lower Rhine Cup against FSV Vohwinkel (7:0). Coach Torsten Ziegner spoke more of “cool accompaniments” in the interior of the Homberg PCC Stadium.

His conclusion: “The team played professionally and seriously for 90 minutes. Many players were used who have not yet had any playing time or not so much. That was totally important for the impressions.”

Even though the opponent is four classes lower, the match was enormously important, especially for the processes in the offensive, Ziegner said. “We want to create more chances. I wouldn’t have cheered if it was 17-0, but I wouldn’t have freaked out if it was 4-0 either, because I know very well that other things are needed in everyday life. “

Right-back Joshua Bitter, who has been ill recently, will almost certainly return to the first eleven from the start in Regensburg on Sunday. Against Wuppertal, the defender only played the last 20 minutes.

The reason: Ziegner trusted Batuhan Yavuz in Bitter’s position. The U19 captain wore the jersey with the number 32, but his name was not yet on it. But that could change soon, as the coach informed.

“He deserves a taste of men’s football because of his performance and has already trained with the team this week. We have seen a few games from him in the U19 Bundesliga. As captain, he is very eye-catching and structured. We want to continue that and bring him on bit by bit. “

It’s up to the boys themselves how fast it can go

Torsten Ziegner

Ziegner did not want to rule out the possibility of Yavuz becoming an integral part of the squad as quickly as Baran Mogultay did last year. The left-back quickly made the leap into the third division team and is now set at left back. “It wasn’t planned in terms of timing, but it happened. It’s up to the boys themselves how quickly it can happen,” the 45-year-old stressed.

The advantage of the next talent, who moved from FC Schalke 04’s U17 to Meiderich in the summer of 2022: The 18-year-old has already finished school. However, as he will soon be away with the Turkish U19 national team, he will not be available to MSV in the coming week.