Landesliga coach dreams of the Bundesliga

In the Landesliga 2 Niederrhein, a special coach is at work: Nordin Kaddouri is passionate about his job – and has big dreams.

Nordin Kaddouri is a team coach at Landesliga club SV Genc Osman Duisburg. But his work is different from that of other regional league teams. Because for the coach, the job in the dressing room and off the pitch is no ordinary one, but a true passion. “It is definitely a big wish of mine to make it to the professional level. The dream is to work in the Bundesliga at some point,” says Kaddouri, looking to the future.

It all started in 2017. “Actually, even before that,” Kaddouri recalls and says: “It all started at Duisburger SV 1900. I stopped playing actively, but I really wanted to stay true to football and started as a coach in the second team. Then, through a colleague, contact was made with Genc Osman. They said they wanted to move up and would like me to join them.” Thus began a job for the coach that has now been a passion of the former player for five years. “In the beginning, I had no plan at all and just finished the cabin. As time went by, it all became a bit more professional, and after the promotion from the district league, the opportunities also got even better. “

Own YouTube channel

Before aiming high for the caretaker, he is more than happy with his current club. And is causing a stir there. For a Landesliga team, he looks after the Genc Osman players in an outstandingly professional manner, preparing the players’ dressing room and equipment as if they were professionals. Kaddouri also takes care of the players’ nutrition. “I enjoy my work immensely. The response is also great. I often get calls from other clubs or former players who say they’ve never been looked after like this before,” Kaddouri reports proudly.

And it’s not only praise about the work that comes from the other clubs. “Before the season, there were also some offers from the top division,” Kaddouri reveals and explains his decision to stay in Duisburg: “I didn’t want to take that step. Genc Osman want to move up to the top division themselves in the next few years, then I can do that here too.” At the same time, he continues to work on his Bundesliga dream, most recently with his own YouTube channel on which he accompanies his work with a camera. And who knows, maybe a professional club will come across the ambitious coach…