Lively election campaign with certainty – no common path with Ingo Wald

The election campaign in the race for the board position at MSV Duisburg is slowly getting underway. The “MSV Future” team is one of the horses in the field.

With the upcoming Annual General Meeting on July 23 at MSV Duisburg, new information about the individual candidates for election to the board is slowly but surely coming to light. At a press event on June 11, the first team of Thomas Maaßen, Kai-Uwe Otto, Jörg Dahms and Andreas Tappe introduced themselves in more detail.

However, the “MSV Future” team will not be the only horse in the race for the board seats. Following encouragement from the current board that they would vacate the seat in July if they received the right number of votes, several teams appear to be coming together to run in the end.

For Tappe, this is a welcome development: “We think it’s good that there are more teams, because this signals that several groups have thought that there should be a change at MSV. After all, we are all interested in moving MSV forward at the end of the day.”

One person who has not yet positioned himself in the election campaign is the current president, Ingo Wald. There must be clarity by July 9. Until then, there is uncertainty. For Maassen, this is “always a bad thing for the time being, because forward-looking discussions become somewhat more difficult.”

Whether Wald runs or not, Tappe only wants to look ahead anyway: “We can only communicate our ideas, do the best for MSV and everything else is out of our hands. In the meantime, I’m no longer worried about that.”

“I had a personal conversation with Ingo shortly after it became clear that I was running. I explained my motives to him, listened to what he thought was stupid, but at the end of the day there will be no common path,” explained Maassen, the president of the group.

To close the topic of the election campaign, Thomas Maaßen promised, unlike in the European election campaign, that “there will be no program on our part that stands on the mistakes or shortcomings of others. That is not our way.”

Rather, the election campaign is to be won through clear and transparent communication with fans. This has already taken place with fan groups, as Maaßen confirmed. Because, as Tappe made clear, they are “important multipliers for gaining members in the future.”

It remains to be seen how successful Thomas Maassen and his team’s approach will be in the end. The deadline is July 23. Possibly with a conclusion including a new Executive Board