MSV rival – first a €560,000 loss, then a break-in at the office

January 2024 begins with bad news for Halle FC. HFC can only hope that good sporting news will follow at the weekend.

Hallescher FC held its annual general meeting on Sunday, January 14, 2023.

MSV Duisburg’s rivals in the battle to avoid relegation – Halle are in first place after 19 games and 18 points and are two points off the pace – did not have good news for their fans and members. The club from Saxony-Anhalt announced a loss of almost €560,000 for the 2022/2023 season. Despite the large financial hole, the club is “economically efficient”, according to a press release from the third division club.

“Our task is to keep the economic performance alive and end this season with a slightly positive result,” explained Jürgen Fox, who was elected as the successor to the outgoing Jens Rauschenbach, in an interview with MDR. In addition, the “deficit that we now have” should be reduced as quickly as possible.

Due to the financial difficulties, HFC coach Sreto Ristic, whose contract is valid until the summer of 2025, can currently be sure of his job. A dismissal would most likely result in a severance payment that Halle can hardly afford at the moment.

“We have full confidence in our sporting management and the players we have under contract. That has been the case from the start of the season. In fact, a lot of things have come together and some players have not delivered the performance they have in their quiver. Now it’s time for everyone involved to tap into this untapped potential and start scoring points,” emphasizes Fox.

Hallescher FC: After the AGM – break-in at the office

In the night after the AGM, there was more bad news for Hallescher FC: there was a break-in at the HFC office.

Unknown perpetrators broke into the premises and left behind a scene of devastation. The burglars ransacked all the cupboards and offices. In addition to material damage, cash and several laptops were also stolen. The police were notified and have carried out an intensive forensic investigation.

From Halle’s point of view, it remains to be hoped that the team can finally make positive headlines again on Saturday (January 20, 2 p.m.) at home against FC Ingolstadt.