New market values: Götze one of eleven winners, a sextet loses out

Rot-Weiss Essen’s good season is reflected in the latest market value update. RWE’s squad value is increasing overall.

The portal “” has updated the market values in the 3rd division after the end of the season. The update took place on Tuesday (June 11).

Rot-Weiss Essen is doing well overall and has increased its total squad value by 400,000 euros. However, it should be noted that the additions and departures for the new season have not yet been taken into account. This means that Marvin Obuz and Felix Götze, two players who will both be leaving the club, lead the internal ranking with a market value of €600,000 each. Götze has recorded an increase of €150,000 since the last adjustment, making him Essen’s biggest winner.

Six other players received an upgrade of 50,000 euros. These include Vinko Sapina (€400,000), Torben Müsel (€325,000), Lucas Brumme, Cedric Harenbrock (both €300,000), Sascha Voelcke and Nils Kaiser (both €200,000). The market values of Jakob Golz (€375,000), José-Enrique Ríos Alonso (€300,000), Mustafa Kourouma (€175,000) and Sandro Plechaty (€150,000) were increased by €25,000.

The values of Marvin Obuz (600,000 euros), Leonardo Vonic (400,000 euros), Thomas Eisfeld (225,000 euros), Eric Voufack, Moussa Doumbouya (both 200,000 euros), Felix Wienand (100,000 euros), Fabian Rüth (75,000 euros) and Ole Springer (50,000 euros) remained unchanged.

Sextet around Young records a slight loss

In addition to improved and unchanged market values, there were also downgrades to report in the summer update. Six professionals were downgraded due to poor performances, injuries or age. Isaiah Young is one of the losers; like the five other players, he recorded a slight drop of €25,000. His new market value is estimated at 250,000 euros.

Ron Berlinski, Ekin Celebi (both 175,000 euros), Andreas Wiegel, Björn Rother (both 150,000 euros) and Aaron Manu (100,000 euros) were also slightly penalized