Price increase – Supporters Club demands withdrawal

FC Schalke 04 is increasing ticket prices for the new season. The Supporters Club warns against the price spiral. The support of the fans cannot be taken for granted.

FC Schalke 04 needs money. To this end, the club is currently turning over every stone to streamline its structure and reposition itself.

But of course the club is also looking for new sources of income. Ticket prices will also be adjusted for the new season.

The prices for the more than 40,000 season ticket holders will remain the same. But the prices for day tickets will increase for the new season.

The most expensive seat will cost 66 euros in future. A new price category has been introduced. The cheapest seat will cost 29 euros in future. Full payers will have to pay 17.50 euros for standing room.

Not everyone likes that. The Supporters Club is now even calling for the price increase to be reversed. “Love is often unconditional, but unconditional love does not come at any price,” the fan organization writes in a statement.

In doing so, it points to the advance performance and support in the past season. The S04 fans set a new world record for the 2nd division with more than 61,000 fans on average in the arena. “Schalke needs money. That should be clear to everyone. However, the question remains as to whether this additional income should be raised from the fans, whether the increase in sponsorship should be intensified or whether costs should be cut. If the board has its way, it will probably be a mixture of everything,” explain the supporters.

And warn: “The line that is being walked with ticket prices is a very fine one. While prices are moving in the direction of CL participants, spectators are offered everything between the regional league and the average second division. A sold-out stadium in the 2nd division with such footballing achievements is not a matter of course, nor is it a matter of course that fans are willing or able to pay any price. “

We therefore call on those responsible to withdraw the announced price change and to generate the corresponding income in other ways

Supportersclub Schalke

They demand: “Passion has its price, but not passion at any price and certainly not a pricing policy that creates suffering.”

Last season, Schalke fans had already accepted that ticket prices had remained the same after relegation and that catering prices had risen. “In addition to their unbelievable loyalty, the fans have now made a considerable contribution to the club’s financial recovery and this set screw has now definitely been tightened,” says the Supporters Club.

“We therefore call on those responsible to withdraw the announced price change and generate the corresponding income in other ways, for a social Schalke, for the buddy who shouldn’t be standing outside. “