Scandal in Bayreuth! Dynamo hoodlums cause major damage

Dynamo Dresden could not get beyond a 1:1 draw in Bayreuth. The several thousand fans who travelled with the team caused a scandal.

Even before the game, RevierSport had reported that Spielvereinigung Bayreuth were expecting a record crowd for this third league season. Dynamo Dresden announced that they would have 3,500 fans.

That’s how it turned out: 8173 fans saw the 1-1 draw between the promoted and relegated teams.

But some of the visiting fans behaved scandalously and caused personal injury and damage to property. As the portal “” reports, the Bayreuth fans’ record of this home match is disastrous: A destroyed snack bar – including the theft of the cash box containing 5,000 to 10,000 euros – demolished toilets, damage amounting to up to 30,000 euros and 14 injured police officers. In addition, a journalist was attacked and two cameras were stolen.

The Bayreuth Criminal Investigation Department is now investigating several cases of serious breach of the peace.
