Sponsorship, club shares – Ingo Wald “only” wanted him as a financial backer

In just over a month, the annual general meeting of MSV Duisburg will take place. There will also be new elections to the board and one group is really serious.

An exciting annual general meeting awaits MSV Duisburg on July 23. In general, the great traditional club is facing a year full of hurdles and new approaches. Such an approach could also be chosen for the board if the team around Ingo Wald should vacate its seat.

One competitor is the “MSV Future” team, consisting of Thomas Maaßen, Kai-Uwe Otto, Andreas Tappe and, most recently, Jörg Dahms. The latter is a name that Ingo Wald already wanted to acquire for MSV – just in a different position than might be the case in the future.

In general, this board opposition consists of successful businessmen who have a strong network to offer through their companies. Jörg Dahms is no different. In 2010, he and his partner Patric de Valk founded Triopt GmbH, a successful telecommunications company.

Through Dahms’ contacts in soccer, the member of the board candidate group “MSV Future” confirmed talks with Ingo Wald. “There was a specific question as to whether I wanted to support him. However, the issue presented itself differently here (in Thomas Maassen’s team) and I definitely felt much more comfortable,” explained Dahms.

When asked whether the meetings with Wald were not only about possible sponsorship, but also about acquiring shares in the club, Dahms replied: “Both. But I never talked about the size of the deal.”

The talks with Wald were purely about the financial aspect – unlike those with Maaßen and Co. in which Dahms was offered cooperation. “The wish was to get involved as a sponsor and also to be involved in a few topics. I don’t think this position is entirely justified. If I’m going to give money somewhere, I would at least like to keep an eye on the management,” says the businessman.

The approach of Maaßen’s team was therefore completely different and reason enough for Dahms to say that he was interested in taking MSV forward as a board member. “No money was mentioned in any of the conversations we had. We only talked about working together and contributing my expertise as a businessman with an interest in MSV Duisburg.”

The 51-year-old left open whether it would be conceivable for Dahms to join the Zebras as a sponsor in the future: “Anything is possible. Never say never.” For the time being, however, the Kleve native will take care of the election campaign together with Otto, Maaßen and Tappe.