Still-sponsor Krebs makes it clear – “I am an absolute opponent of violence”

In the midst of the chaos at KFC Uerdingen, several sponsors have also announced their departure from the third-placed team in the Oberliga Niederrhein. Including Holger Krebs.

Holger Krebs is not only the main supporter of SC St. Tönis, but has also been a loyal sponsor of KFC Uerdingen for years. He is also emotionally attached to the former Bundesliga club and European Cup participant.

But the last few months, weeks and days have been too much even for the successful entrepreneur. He announced his withdrawal of sponsorship to Forecasting and suffers with the fans of KFC Uerdingen.

Some people seem to have misinterpreted Krebs’ words when he told Forecasting: “The board of directors should refer to the statutes and protect the club. There must be a bit of honor and pride behind it. I can’t understand why people are standing idly by and watching this unseemly goings-on. Some KFC supporters work at our company, they have given the club a big helping hand and repaired the Grotenburg. “

I am an absolute opponent of violence – any form of violence! There can be no two opinions for me.

Holger Krebs

And Krebs continued: “I’m amazed at how calm these people remain. They should be running around with baseball bats and smashing everything to bits. I’m surprised that KFC haven’t yet seen the kind of pictures we saw last weekend at MSV Duisburg. Not that I’m being misunderstood: I don’t wish for scenes like that, I’m just amazed at the composure of the fans and also pay my respects for the cultural behavior.”

On Wednesday evening (15 May), the former KFC sponsor contacted RS and wanted to emphasize once again: “I am an absolute opponent of violence – of any form of violence! There can be no two opinions for me. I just wanted to express with these sentences that I am proud of every single KFC fan for the way he or she behaves in these difficult situations. That is exemplary. In other clubs, like last Sunday in Duisburg, the reaction is sometimes completely different. “