Trouble at the entrance – club issues statement

A police action caused displeasure among the fans of Preußen Münster. On Sunday evening, the club issued a statement.

In the first few minutes of the derby against Arminia Bielefeld, parts of the stadium were still unoccupied. Preußen Münster had already reported that the third division game was sold out in advance.

However, a police action before the game meant that many Preußen fans in the standing area were delayed in getting to their seats. In the evening, the SCP issued a statement.

It reads: “At the home game of SC Preußen Münster against Arminia Bielefeld, there were massive delays at the main entrance of the Preußenstadion before the start of the game. This was triggered by a last-minute decision by the police to place a presence in the material control area for the active fan scene.”

However, this is actually a matter for the organizer and the security service they have commissioned. Since the police were now also involved, the active scene did not want to enter the stadium. The result: backlogs and massive delays at the entrance.

Münster explains: “Thanks to various measures taken by the security service – including the opening of a side entrance for employees and the temporary suspension of thorough personal checks – this was resolved and a further deterioration of the situation was prevented.”

“Unlike the authorities, SC Preußen Münster as the organizer saw no potential danger from the active fan scene or other spectators accessing the stadium. The Preußen fans behaved absolutely peacefully,” said event manager Thomas Hennemann, underlining the sports club’s assessment.

He therefore urged the police to clarify the situation quickly to prevent it from worsening. But the statement does not put an end to the matter.

/“Preußen Münster – Arminia Bielefeld January 21, 2024” src=” 4/09/1.905_norm-1.jpg“ width=”680“ height=”435” /☻

In the aftermath of the game, it should be discussed how a repeat can be avoided at the upcoming home games. SCP states: “In the coming days, SC Preußen Münster will approach the security partners, who generally make an important contribution to the organization of major events, and offer a discussion to find joint and constructive solutions for the upcoming home games. Today’s situation, which was entirely at the expense of the Preußen fans, could have been avoided through coordinated action and communication on an equal footing. SC Preußen Münster is convinced that this must also be the way forward in the future.”