Two young fans soon to be orphans – club supports fundraising campaign

Two young MSV fans will soon be orphans. MSV Duisburg is now launching a fundraising campaign for the two boys.

The lines Michael Krämer writes in his appeal for donations are depressing. “Hello, I’m Michael and I’m collecting donations for my two nephews. They are nine and eleven years old and will soon be orphans and half-orphans,” he writes on the “Gofundme” donation page. On Wednesday, third-division club MSV Duisburg also drew attention to the fundraising campaign, as Erik and Marlon are big MSV fans, the club writes on its website.

“Godfather Michael Krämer is doing everything he can to ensure that the two boys, who have been turned into real zebras by their father, have a future,” the club says. The two boys have had to endure heavy blows of fate. The boys’ father died in an accident a few years ago. Their mother is now in a hospice in Rheinberg after being diagnosed with a serious and incurable cancer.

“They live with the father of the younger child,” writes Krämer on the donation page. “As their godfather, I am now almost their only living relative,” he adds. With the donation, he wanted to “bring some joy to the two little MSV fans.”

But Krämer is not just collecting donations. Together with the SV Scherpenberg soccer club, he is also organizing a charity tournament on their pitch in Moers. “A colourful off-pitch program for young and old is planned for Saturday, 29 June 2024, with live music by Robin Stone, face painting for children and a bouncy castle,” MSV Duisburg announced on its website. “On the pitch, traditional teams will be putting in another effort for a good cause. To facilitate all this, we are looking for donations of money and goods for a raffle as well as helpful tournament sponsors.”

So far (as of Wednesday evening), a good 6,000 euros have been raised. The donation target for the time being is 20,000 euros