“We haven’t written ourselves off yet and want to get maximum points”

After three commanding victories as head coach of Wuppertaler SV, Ersan Parlatan got to know the other and worse face of the team for the first time in the 1:3 against FC Wegberg-Beeck.

Three games, three wins – and in very commanding style. Some Wuppertaler SV fans were already starting to dream again. Perhaps there was still something to come under coach Ersan Parlatan towards the top of the Regionalliga West table? Think again!

After the 1:3 at FC Wegberg-Beeck, the gap to Alemannia Aachen has grown from seven to ten points and the dream of the 3rd division is as good as over.

Even if Parlatan doesn’t want to give up just yet ahead of the match against SC Paderborn II – Sunday, March 3, 2 p.m., Forecasting live ticker. On the contrary.

Ersan Parlatan on…

… the follow-up to the 3-1 defeat at Wegberg-Beeck: “We kept it, I don’t want to say short, but we concentrated above all on the goals we conceded and our offensive actions. We analyzed that briefly and concisely, but also succinctly. We didn’t like the way we defended at all. We left too much to chance in offense.”

… the reason for the defeat: “In general, many players weren’t able to bring their usual performance to the pitch. But I would like to emphasize at this point: we lost the game together. That’s how we approach it – we win and lose together. As a coach, I question myself and have to realize after a game like this that I didn’t choose the right parameters.”

… the personnel situation ahead of Paderborn II: “Kevin Pytlik has gradually started training with the team this week. I hope he’ll be able to play a full part next week. Tobias Peitz was not involved this week. But I hope he’ll be fit again next week. And, of course, Tom Geerkens is still out. “

We haven’t written ourselves off yet and want to get the maximum number of points. But we also don’t want to look left or right – we just want to focus on ourselves

Ersan Parlatan

.. a reaction against Paderborn: “What do you mean, straighten up? These are all players who have already reached a certain age and they have the chance to show a reaction against Paderborn on Sunday. Soccer always goes on. We are preparing for the game in a targeted, concentrated and focused manner and want to be ready on Sunday. I know they will show a reaction.”

… the SC Paderborn U21 team: “The U21 teams are all similar. But, of course, there are also differences. Paderborn are characterized above all by the fact that they have a lot of young and wild players in their ranks. They haven’t lost in five games and that will be a tough task. We have to get our horsepower and quality, which we undoubtedly have, onto the pitch. That’s the only way to win games.”

… the ten-point gap to Aachen: “We haven’t written ourselves off yet and want to get the maximum number of points. But we also don’t want to look to the left or right – just at ourselves. “

Points Table
Points Table